Coverage A – Life Insurance/Mutual Funds
Coverage for activities relating to the conduct of the business of a licensed life agent or licensed accident and/or sickness agent or a representative registered with the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada to sell Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, Segregated Funds, Accident & Sickness, Term Deposits, Group Benefits, GIC’s and more.
Coverage B – IIROC Licensees (Securities/Mutual Funds)
Coverage for activities related to a securities registrant registered with the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada, including Securities, Income Tax Preparation, Executors, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oaths, Fee for Service Planning, Financial Divorce Specialists and more.
Coverage C – Unlicensed Planners/Fee for Service
Activities provided for a fee relating to financial advice and for which a license is not required. Activities relating to and including sales management and supervisory activities over individual advisors and planners in reference to the above.
Coverage D – Licensed Administrative Assistants
Coverage for those activities, relating to a licensed administrative assistant: Life Insurance, Annuities, Accident & Sickness, hospitalization or medical insurance policies, investments otherwise insured under the policy.
Coverage P - Security & Privacy Suite
Security & Privacy Suite Insurance relating to Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security Liability; Privacy Regulation Defense, Awards and Fines; Customer Care and Reputational Expenses.
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